Video Triggers YouTube Playlists


Track how much of a YouTube Playlist someone has watched and apply a tag at strategic points in the video to trigger relevant follow up in your Campaigns.


You are currently viewing this content for Keap.
Video Triggers YouTube Playlists is only available on Keap.

Video Triggers YouTube Playlists Configuration Options

click image to enlarge

In this section, you will find the options for building your Video Trigger YouTube Playlist tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Simply paste your Wistia, YouTube or Vimeo embed code here.

In the spot provided, paste in the embed code from your YouTube Playlist and then hit "Continue to Next Step"

After this many seconds (cumulative)

Enter how many seconds of cumulative watch time of the playlist you would like to apply the tag.  

Apply this Tag

After the elapsed time that you specified in step 2, pick which tag you would like applied.  


Add Another Interval Tag

If you would like to apply another tag at another point in the playlist, click the "Add Another Interval Tag" button and repeat steps 2-3 for each additional tag you would like applied.  

Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

click image to enlarge

Implementation Types

My Website

Tag contacts depending on how long they have watched a Youtube Playlist embedded on your website.

On the Usage and Instructions page, copy the code under the ‘My Website’ tab.
Embed the code in an HTML element on your page where you would like the Video Trigger to display.
Be sure to pass contact details to the page the Page Trigger is embedded on. You can do this using the link generator, or by passing details through an Infusionsoft webform submission.
IMPORTANT: If using cue points, the window must be active during the cue point for the tag to be applied.

click image to enlarge


Tag contacts depending on how long they have watched a Youtube Playlist embedded on a CustomerHub Page.

On the Usage and Instructions page, copy the code under the ‘CustomerHub’ tab.
Embed the code in an HTML element on your page where you would like the Video Trigger to display.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to embed this tool on Gated-Only pages that requires the contact to be logged in to view the page.
IMPORTANT: If using cue points, the window must be active during the cue point for the tag to be applied.

click image to enlarge


Tag contacts depending on how long they have watched a Youtube Playlist embedded on a Memberium Page.

On the Usage and Instructions page, copy the code under the ‘Memberium’ tab.
Embed the code in an HTML element on your page where you would like the Video Trigger to display.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to embed this tool on Gated-Only pages that requires the contact to be logged in to view the page.
IMPORTANT: If using cue points, the window must be active during the cue point for the tag to be applied.

click image to enlarge


Tag contacts depending on how long they have watched a Youtube Playlist embedded on a iMember360’ Page.

On the Usage and Instructions page, copy the code under the ‘iMember360’’ tab.
Embed the code in an HTML element on your page where you would like the Video Trigger to display.
IMPORTANT: Be sure to embed this tool on Gated-Only pages that requires the contact to be logged in to view the page.
IMPORTANT: If using cue points, the window must be active during the cue point for the tag to be applied.

click image to enlarge