Split Test Pages


Perform an A/B split test on two different sequences. This is performed by randomly sending contacts to one of the pages and tagging the contact with route A or B. Once the contact has achieved the goal (purchase, opt in etc) and a unique conversion tag is applied, PlusThis will track the number of conversions that resulted from each track. The Split Test will end after a specified number of conversions or on a specified date.


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Split Test Pages Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your Split Test Pages tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Sequence Goal/Start Tag:

In this step, select the tag that you would like to be applied when a contact is sent to the URL you specify in this step.  



Enter one of the URLs you would like to split test. 

Sequence Goal/Start Tag:

In this step, select the tag that you would like to be applied when a contact is sent to the URL you specify in this step.  
Enter another of the URLs you would like to split test. 

New Option (button)

If you would like to have more than two pages in the split test, click the "New Option" button and repeat step 1 &2 for each added option. 

Which tag indicates conversion/success? (should be unique to this test, not used elsewhere)

In the drop-down, select the tag that you would like to indicate conversion. It should not be used anywhere else in your CRM application, otherwise it will throw off the split test.  

When would you like to choose the winner?

You can choose to select a winner after either: 
- A number of specific conversions (enter the number)
- On a specific date and time (pick the date and time)

Pass the person's info to the pages

By default, this checkbox will not be checked. If you would like the contact's info to the pages, then check this box.  

Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

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"Need to Know" Items for Split Test Pages

It's important that the Conversion/Success tag not be used anywhere else in your CRM. This is a single tag that is applied when someone converts, whether that's after clicking a link, watching a video (using video triggers) or purchasing a product. Make sure this tag is ONLY used in the split test tool and no-where else.

The purpose of split testing is to determine which of your campaigns/pages does the best job of converting prospects to customers. We recommend that you perform your split test(s) on small groups of records, to determine which of your campaigns performs best, and then remove the test and promote your best-performing campaign to your list. This will ensure you maximize conversions. This tool should never be used on tests involving more than 10,000 records.

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types

Thank You Page URL

Use the Split Test Page URL as a webform thank you page URL.

Copy the Tool URL From the ‘Usage & Instructions’ page.
Open your Infusionsoft Webform in the Infusionsoft Campaign builder.
Click on the ‘Thank-you Page’ tab in the settings. Change the ‘Thank-you Page to Display’ from ‘Thank-you Page’ to ‘Web address’, and input the Smart Link URL in the field.
Check the ‘Pass contact’s information to the thank-you page’ box below the URL.

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Use the Split Test Page URL as a link in your SMS.

Copy the Tool URL from the ‘Usage & Instructions’ page.
Open the SMS tool you’d like to place the Smart Link in.
Paste the link in the body of the SMS Message.
IMPORTANT: Do not shorten the link if you are placing this in an SMS message - this will cause the link to not work.

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Use the Split Test Page URL as a linked image in your email.

Copy the Tool URL from the ‘Usage & Instructions’ page.
Open the email you would like to place the Smart Link in.
Click on the image/button you’d like to link to.
Click the Image Link in the drop down on the left hand side, and choose ‘URL’.
Paste in the Smart Link URL in the field.

click image to enlarge


Use the Split Test Page URL as a link in your email.

Copy the Tool URL from the ‘Usage & Instructions’ page.
Open the email you would like to place the Smart Link in.
Highlight the text you’d like to hyperlink the Smart Link to, and click the Link icon in the tool bar above.

click image to enlarge

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