Simple Email Survey


Embed a one question survey into your emails. Based off of your contact’s answer, you can apply a specified tag, and redirect them to a specified web page. For example, a thank you page. This tool also provides some simple reporting, showing how many contacts submitted each answer.


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Simple Email Survey Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your Simple Email Survey tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Enter your survey question:

In this field, enter the question that you would like to ask in your survey. 

Choose your survey type:

You can choose one of three different types of survey types:
- Scale of 1-10
- Yes or No survey
- Multiple Choice survey

Scale of 1-10 Survey Set Up


Scale description (lower numbers)

Enter a descriptor for the lower numbers (ie. Not likely).

Scale description (higher numbers)

Enter a descriptor for the higher numbers (ie. Very likely).

Apply this tag if answer is within range:

In the drop-down, select the tag that you would like to be applied when the answer that is selected is within the range specified above.  

If you would like to alter the range, drag the sliders around to make the range smaller or larger, to your liking.  

Then redirect to the following URL:

Enter a URL that you would like the respondent to be redirected to upon choosing an answer in the range specified above. 

Apply this tag if answer is within this range:

In the drop-down, select the tag that you would like to be applied when the answer that is selected is within the range specified above.  
If you would like to alter the range, drag the sliders around to make the range smaller or larger, to your liking.  

Then redirect to the following URL

Enter a URL that you would like the respondent to be redirected to upon choosing an answer in the range specified above. 

Add Answer Range

Should you move the ranges above around to no longer cover the entire 1-10 range, you will be able to add another answer range. Then follow steps 5-6 for each additional answer range that you add. 

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

Yes or No Survey Set Up


If yes, apply this tag

In the drop-down, select the tag that you would like to be applied when the answer selected is a "yes".  

Then redirect here:

Enter a URL that you would like the respondent to be redirected to upon choosing "yes" as an answer.

If no, apply this tag

In the drop-down, select the tag that you would like to be applied when the answer selected is a "no".  

Then redirect here:

Enter a URL that you would like the respondent to be redirected to upon choosing "no" as an answer.

Multiple Choice Survey Set Up


Answer 1

Enter the Multiple Choice Option that you would like available as an answer.

Apply this tag if this answer is selected

In the drop-down, select the tag that you would like to be applied if this answer is selected.

Then redirect to the following URL:

Enter a URL that you would like the respondent to be redirected to upon this answer.

Add Answer (button)

For each additional multiple choice option you would like to be available as an answer, click the "Add Answer" button and then repeat steps 3-5 of this section.

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge


Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

"Need to Know" Items for Simple Email Survey

While you can edit most tool configuration information later, you can only select your survey type when you initially create a Simple Email Survey tool. This is done to help maintain consistent reporting data.

Implementation Types


Embed your Simple Email Survey in your Infusionsoft emails.

Copy the Embed Code for the Simple Email Survey.
Embed the code in an HTML Embed Code element in the Infusionsoft email builder where you would like the Simple Email Survey to Display.

click image to enlarge

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