Google Sheets Exporter
Google Sheets Exporter allows you to export your CRM saved searches into a Google Sheets spreadsheet. These exports can be set up to run automatically at user-specified intervals, and can be triggered manually. You can also specify which sheet to export your data to, or choose to have a new sheet created during the feature’s execution
Google Sheets Exporter Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your Google Sheet Exporter tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.
Which saved search would you like to export?
In the drop-down, select the saved search that you'd like exported to your Google Sheet.
Which Google Sheet would you like to export the results to?
In the drop-down, select the Google Sheet that you would like to export the saved search to. (this must be created before configuring this tool)
Which sheet (tab) would you like to export your data to?
In the drop-down, select which tab of your Google Sheet you'd like the saved search exported to.
These configuration options will appear if you enabled scheduling.
Enable Scheduling?
By default, this option is set to "Off" if you would like to enable the ability to run this tool on a schedule, switch this toggle to "On"
Date Options
Select if you would like to run this on a "daily", "weekly" or "monthly" basis.
Time Options
Select the time at which you would like this tool to run and the minute interval at which you would like to run this tool.
Select the timezone that you would like this tool to run in.

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Tool Name
Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers.
"Need to Know" Items for Google Sheets Exporter
There are a few limitations to be aware of when using Google Sheets. Below is a list of limitations relevant to this feature, and some suggestions on how to ensure these limitations do not prevent your feature’s execution. Your feature will fail to execute if any of these limitations are encountered.
- 5,000,000 cells across the entire Google Sheets document (across all sheets/tabs). To avoid running into this limitation, remove any old data, have narrow saved searches, and only export as often as needed.
- 200 sheets (tabs) per spreadsheet. Creating a new sheet with each export will determine how quickly you may reach this limit.
- 256 columns per sheet (tab). To avoid running into this limitation, modify your Keap saved search to only include the columns you need.
When using one of the following reports:
- Payment Report
- All Sales (itemized)
- Monthly Sales Totals
- Order Search
Keap is unable to deliver Saved Searches via API if they contain the Product Name column. Additionally, when using the All Sales Report, the Return column should be avoided. Unfortunately, there is nothing PlusThis can do to correct this issue. Keap will need to address this bug. "Product Name" and "Return" are the only known columns to have this problem. If you don't include them in your saved search you will not have this problem. If you're interested in including the Product Name or Return columns in your saved search exports, please contact Keap support. Here is an example message you might send to them:
To Whom It May Concern:
We were recently made aware of a bug with the Keap API that affects our ability to build saved searches. Unfortunately, due to this bug, I am unable to include the ProductName / Return column in my Saved Searches for export via the Keap API. This issue has been reported by PlusThis to Keap developer support (case number: 00513531) but there hasn't been a fix yet.
This issue is important to me and I would like to encourage you to fix it.
Thank you
- Payment Report
- All Sales (itemized)
- Monthly Sales Totals
- Order Search
Keap is unable to deliver Saved Searches via API if they contain the Product Name column. Additionally, when using the All Sales Report, the Return column should be avoided. Unfortunately, there is nothing PlusThis can do to correct this issue. Keap will need to address this bug. "Product Name" and "Return" are the only known columns to have this problem. If you don't include them in your saved search you will not have this problem. If you're interested in including the Product Name or Return columns in your saved search exports, please contact Keap support. Here is an example message you might send to them:
To Whom It May Concern:
We were recently made aware of a bug with the Keap API that affects our ability to build saved searches. Unfortunately, due to this bug, I am unable to include the ProductName / Return column in my Saved Searches for export via the Keap API. This issue has been reported by PlusThis to Keap developer support (case number: 00513531) but there hasn't been a fix yet.
This issue is important to me and I would like to encourage you to fix it.
Thank you
FAQs / Tips
Implementation Types
Schedule your Google Sheets Exporter to export your saved search to a google sheet at fixed intervals.
Enable Scheduling in the tool configuration.
Choose how frequently you would like the tool to run.
IMPORTANT: This tool will only run as quickly as Infusionsoft allows. If you have a large contact list, and wish to run this tool frequently, it will slow your app down greatly.
Once you have set up scheduling, save the tool, the tool will run when it is set for.

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Manual Processing
Manually process your Google Sheets Exporter to export your saved search to a google sheet.
Click ‘Run Export Manually’ on the ‘Usage & Instructions & Reporting’ page to begin running against the saved search you chose.
IMPORTANT: This tool will only run as quickly as Infusionsoft allows. If you have a large contact list, and wish to run this tool frequently, it will slow your app down greatly.

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