Email Engagement Triggers


tag contacts based off whether or not they’re engaged, how long they’ve been unengaged, what their email status is so you can more accurately curate your list and follow up with them.  


You are currently viewing this content for Keap.
Email Engagement Triggers is only available on Keap.

Getting Started with Email Engagement Triggers

IMPORTANT. We highly recommend watching this video if it's the first time you've set up this tool. The video will shorten your learning curve significantly by showing you a quick example of how to implement the tool with Keap.

Email Engagement Triggers Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your Email Engagement Triggers tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Choose which email field to check:

In this drop-down, select which email address field in your CRM application you would like to check the engagement of.  


Reset Tags

By default, this option is set to "Off". If you would like to have the PlusThis tool remove all tags set up in this tool from the contacts before processing this tool.  

Basic Engagement Tagging


Engaged within the last 30 days

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who have "engaged" (meaning an email has been opened or a link in an email has been clicked) in the last 30 days.


Unengaged for 30 to 60 days

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who have been unengaged in the last 30-60 days.  

Unengaged 60-90 days

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who have been unengaged in the last 60-90 days.  

Unengaged for over 90 days

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who have been unengaged for over 90 days.  

Never engaged new contacts

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who are New (created in the last 45 days) and have never engaged.  

Never engaged old contacts

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who are Old (created more than 45 days ago) and have never engaged.  

Never been sent an email

Select which tag you would like PlusThis to apply to contacts who have never been sent an email.

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click image to enlarge

Advanced Options

These advanced options are optional, and for each of these options that are configured, the length of time it takes for the tool to run will greatly increase. 


....last engaged

If you would like to configure this option, select a field where you would like to store the number of days since the contact was last engaged.

...last sent an email

If you would like to configure this option, select a field where you would like to store the number of days since the contact was last sent an email.


If you would like to configure this option, select a field where you would like to store the number of days since the contact was created.

Advanced Options (cont...)

These advanced options are optional, and for each of these options that are configured, the length of time it takes for the tool to run will greatly increase. 


Tag by Email Status

In this section, you can select a tag to be applied for each of the options explained below.  
Single Opt-In - contact has opted in, but has not confirmed their email address.
Double Opt-In - contact has clicked an email confirmation link.
Confirmed - contact has confirmed their email address.
Unengaged Marketable - contact has been unengaged for a period of time.  
Unengaged Unmarketable - contact has been unengaged for too long to be marketed to.
Unengaged Non-Marketable - There is no evidence that the contact has consented to receive marketing.  
Lockdown - contact was added while the CRM was locked down.
Bounce - contact's email address has bounced too many times.
Hard Bounce - contact's email address has hard bounced.
Manual - contact has opted out of all email marketing.
Admin - contact was opted out by an admin.
List Unsubscribe - contact opted out of all email marketing.
Feedback - contact provided feedback upon opt out.
Spam - contact reported spam messages to their provider.
Invalid - Email address failed regular expression validation.

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click image to enlarge

Bulk Update Options


Enable Bulk Update?

By default, this toggle is set to "Off". If you would like to enable the ability to Bulk Update, toggle this to "On". 

Which contacts should we run against?

You can switch the toggle between "Let me pick a tag" or "Entire CRM database".  

Contacts with any of the following tag(s)

If you selected "Let me pick a tag" you will be prompted to select the tag that you would like to run the bulk update against.  

Enable Scheduling?

By default, this toggle is set to "Off", however, if you would like to set this tool to run on a schedule, toggle the switch to "On". 


These configuration options will appear if you enabled scheduling in step 17.


Date Options

Select if you would like to run this on a "weekly" or "monthly" basis. 

Run on the selected ......

If you selected "weekly" you will need to pick the day(s) of the week you would like to run this tool on.

If you selected "monthly" you will need to pick the date(s) of the month that you would like to run this tool on.

Time Options

You have three options to configure in this section. 
- First: Select the time at which you would like this tool to run
- Second: Select the minute interval at which you would like to run this tool
- Third: Select the timezone that you would like this tool to run in

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click image to enlarge


Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

"Need to Know" Items for Email Engagement Triggers

The execution of this Tool can take a long time and, due to the resource-intensive nature of this tool, you may experience some slowing in your CRM application. We highly recommended that you schedule this Tool to run as infrequently as possible, within your needs.  

Some factors that increase the length of time it takes to run are: 
- Resetting Tags
- Configuring Advanced Options

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types


Schedule your Email Engagement Trigger tool to run on a timed basis against certain tags, or the entire database.

You can schedule this tool to run against your entire database, or on a specific tag at fixed intervals.
Enable Bulk Update in the Bulk Update Options in the tool configuration.
Choose the entire database, or on which tag you’d like the tool to run against.
Enable Scheduling.
Choose how frequently you would like the tool to run.
IMPORTANT: This tool will only run as quickly as Infusionsoft allows. If you have a large contact list, and wish to run this tool frequently, it will slow your app down greatly.
Once you have set up scheduling, save the tool, the tool will run when it is set for.

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Manual Processing

Manually trigger your Email Engagement Trigger tool to run against certain tags or the entire database.

You can run this tool manually against your entire database, or against one, or several tags.
Enable Bulk Update in the Bulk Update Options in the tool configuration.
Choose the entire database, or on which tag you’d like the tool to run against.
Save the tool.
Click ‘Initiate Processing Now’ on the following page to begin running against the database, or tag(s) you chose.
IMPORTANT: This tool will only run as quickly as Infusionsoft allows. If you have a large contact list, and wish to run this tool frequently, it will slow your app down greatly.

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