Date Calculator


Calculate a date by specifying various calculations to perform on a starting date. Useful for creating expiring offers that are dynamic. 


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Date Calculator Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your Date Calculator tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Start with this date:

In the drop-down, select one of the following options. 
The current date, when used - this will utilize the day the tool is run as the start date 
The date found in a field - This will prompt you to select a field and we will use the date found in that field as the start date.  

If you do not have a field created already, you will need to go into your ActiveCampaign account to create the field, and then come back to PlusThis and create this tool.
The date the contact was created - This option will use the date the contact was created as the start date.  

Treat the start date as:

Select what timezone you would like the start date to be treated as. 

Add a Calculation

Select the "Add a Calculation" button to add a calculation to perform on the start date. 


Choose type of calculation:

In this drop-down, select the type of calculation you would like to perform on the start date. 
Add/subtract a static number of months/days/hours/minutes - This calculation type will have you select if you'd like to add or subtract (using the toggle) and then the number of months/days/hours/minutes that you would like to add/subtract. 
Add/subtract a dynamic number of months/days/hours/minutes - This calculation type will have you select if you'd like to add or subtract (using the toggle) and then select the fields where the number of months/days/hours/minutes that you would like to add/subtract is stored. 
Find the Nth day - eg. Find the 3rd Sunday that occurs after the above date 
This calculation type will have you specify how many (ie. 3), the day of the week (ie. Sunday) and if you'd like to find that instance of the day of the week before or after the above date. 
Find the Nth date - eg. Find the 3rd occurrence of the 20th, after the above date 
This calculation type will have you specify how many (ie. 3), the day of the month (ie. First of the Month) and if you'd like to find that instance of the day of the month before or after the above date. 
Find the Nth day of a month - eg. Find the 3rd Sunday in the following month
This calculation type will have you specify how many (ie. 3), the day of the week (ie. Sunday) and if you'd like to find that instance of the day of the week of the following or previous month. 
Find the Nth occurrence of a day in a month - eg. Find the first Sunday of a month that occurs after the above date 
This calculation type will have you specify how many (ie. 3), the day of the week (ie. Sunday) of a month and if you'd like to find that instance of the day before or after the above date. 

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click image to enlarge


Put the calculated date in field:

In the drop-down, select the field where you would like the calculated date stored.  

Put the human-formatted date in this field:

If you would like to store a "humanized" version of the date, you can select a field in the drop-down to store it in.  

Format the date like this:

If you chose to store a "humanized" version of the date in a field, you can select the way you would like that formatted in this drop-down.  

Put the human-formatted time in this field:

If you would like to store a "humanized" version of the time, you can select a field in the drop-down to store it in.  

Store the result in this timezone

If you would like to store the calculated result in a different timezone than you selected as the timezone to treat the start date in, select the timezone you'd like to store the date in this dropdown. 

If there is already a date in the calculated field, then keep the existing date (don't update)

By default, this is unchecked, however, if you would like to prevent the field from being updated if there is already a value in it - check this box.  

Store a count to the calculated date

This is an optional section that allows you to store a whole number that stores the count between the start and final calculated date. 


Put the count in this field:

In the drop-down, select a field to store the count in.  

Calculate the difference in:

Choose what increment you would like to store the difference in. (Months, Days, Business Days, Hours or Minutes) 

Allow a negative number result (will be negative if the calculated date is before the start date)

By default this box is unchecked. If you would like to allow a negative number result, check this box. 

If there is already a count in this field, then keep the existing count (don't update)

By default, this is unchecked, however, if you would like to prevent the field from being updated if there is already a value in it - check this box.  

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Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

"Need to Know" Items for Date Calculator

Some calculation types have options that specifically say "currently or..". These options will include the currently calculated date in their calculation. For example, assume a start date of September 12th, 2017, and the first calculation is to add 3 months. After that calculation is performed the currently calculated date would be December 12th, 2017, which is a Tuesday. If the next calculation reads "Find 2 Tuesday(s) after the above date.", then the calculation result will be December 26th, 2017. However, if the next calculation read "Find 2 Tuesday(s) currently or after the above date", then the calculation result will be December 19th, 2017.

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types


Run your tool virtually anywhere in your automation using a Webhook element.

Copy the Webhook URL from PlusThis.
Open the automation that you’d like to add the webhook to. The webhook can be placed virtually anywhere in your automation.
Click the Plus where you would like to add the webhook. Choose ‘Conditions and Workflow’ from the left hand menu. From there, choose Webhook from the list.
Paste the PlusThis Webhook in the pop up and click save.

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