Calculate Time Between Events


Useful for calculating how long it takes your contacts to move from one point in the Campaign to the next, this tool will calculate the amount of time between two events. This is helpful for seeing which section of your Campaign needs streamlining, allowing you to see where things are taking longer than they should. For example, you can calculate the number of days between the opt-in and the consult request, and the time between the consult request and purchase.


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Calculate Time Between Events Configuration Options

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Tool Configuration

In this section, you will select the events that you would like to calculate the time between.


Event 1

In the drop-down, select the first event you would like to use in your calculations. You can choose from a date found in a field, the date a tag was applied on a contact, or from a variety of other options available in Ontraport.  

Event 2

In the drop-down, select the second event you would like to use in your calculations. Again, you can choose from a date found in a field, the date a tag was applied on a contact, or from a variety of other options available in Ontraport.  

Select a timezone to use for both dates

In the dropdown, select which timezone you would like the treat the dates from Event 1 and Event 2 in. If you want to keep the timezone as the default for the field then just leave this option as the default.  

Where should we store the result?

Select a field where you would like the result (the number of days between Event 1 and Event 2) stored.  

If you do not have a field created already, you can create a field by clicking on the plus (+) symbol on the right-hand side of the field selector.  

Storing, Additional Options and Name

In this section, you'll configure any additional options for your Calculate Time Between Events tool. 


Which unit of time should we store the result as?

By default, this will be pre-selected as "days", however, you can choose a variety of units of time to store the result as, such as: 
- Years
- Weeks
- Days
- Hours
- Minutes

Allow a negative number result?

Toggle this switch over (by default it is not toggled) to allow a negative-number result if desired. 

How would you like to round your result?

Here you can select which method of rounding you would like this tool to perform. In the dropdown, select from the following: 
- Do Not Round 
- Always Round Up
- Always Round Down
- Round Up At Half (.5) 

click image to enlarge

click image to enlarge

Name and Save

Finish up the configuration of your tool and save it in this section.


Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types


Run your tool virtually anywhere in your automation using a Webhook element.

Copy the Webhook URL from PlusThis.
Open your Ontraport Campaign. Click on ‘What happens next’, then choose ‘Send a webhook’ under the ‘Advanced’ tab.
Click on the ‘Send a Webhook’ action in the campaign, then paste the PlusThis URL in the ‘Add the destination URL’ area on the left hand side, then click ‘Done’.

click image to enlarge

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