GoToWebinar Connection


Register participants for your webinars automatically through your HubSpot and track who attended.


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GoToWebinar Connection Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your GoToWebinar Connection tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Which Webinar?

In the drop-down, select the webinar you'd like to register contacts for. The webinar must already have been created and scheduled in GoToWebinar, before configuring this tool.  

Send Webinar Reminders through HubSpot


Store the Webinar Join Link Here:

In the drop-down, select the property where you would like to store the unique Webinar Join Link for each registrant if you would like to send your reminders through HubSpot.  

If you do not have a property created already, you can create a property by clicking on the plus (+) symbol on the right-hand side of the property selector.  

Add to This List After Successfully Completing Registration

If you choose to send your reminders through HubSpot, select a list from this drop-down to have the contact updated by PlusThis after successfully completing registration.  

Additional Options: Add to this list if registration fails because the webinar is full

If you choose to, you can select a list from this drop-down to have updated to the contact by PlusThis if registration fails because the webinar is full.  

Additional Options: Store the Webinar Title Here

In the drop-down, select the property where you would like to store the Webinar Title if you would like.  

Additional Options: Store the Webinar Start Date/Time Here

In the drop-down, select the property where you would like to store the Webinar Start Date/Time if you would like.  

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Track Who Attended

PlusThis will get your attendee information 15 minutes after the scheduled end time of your webinar. Below are the options for configuring the lists that get applied at that time.


Add Attendees to this List:

In the drop-down, select the list that you would like to be updated to the contacts who attend your webinar.

Add Non-Attendees to this List:

In the drop-down, select the list that you would like to be updated to the contacts who do not attend your webinar.

Additional Options: Store the Number of Minutes Attended Here

If you would like to store the number of minutes that someone attended the webinar for, select a property from the drop-down.  

Additional Options: Store the User's Join and Exit Times Here:

If you would like to store the join and exit times someone attended the webinar, select a property from the drop-down.  

Additional Options: Store any Questions and Comments Here:

If you would like to store any questions and comments that the attendee had during the course of the webinar, select a property in the drop-down.  

Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

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"Need to Know" Items for GoToWebinar Connection

After creating this Tool, if you reschedule this webinar in GoToWebinar then you must remove this tool and start over for it to function properly. Deleting this tool will not remove those who previously registered. Existing registrants will remain registered for this webinar

This field map will be used in both directions. When PlusThis is used to register a record for the webinar, it will use the data (as mapped below) from your CRM to perform the webinar registration with GoToWebinar.

When PlusThis pulls the attendance data for the webinar, the map will use the data (as mapped below) from GoToWebinar to update/create contact records in your CRM. 

If you select a recurring webinar PlusThis will process attendee information automatically after each webinar session completes.

PlusThis depends on your webinar's scheduled start and end times. We recommend that you start your webinar no sooner than 30 minutes before its scheduled start time and end the webinar no later than 30 minutes after the scheduled end time. Also, PlusThis will attempt to push your attendee data to your CRM 15 minutes after your webinar's scheduled end time. If your webinar runs late (after the scheduled end time), PlusThis will check back every 15 minutes until your webinar is finished, before pushing data to your CRM.

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types


Run your tool virtually anywhere in your automation using a Webhook element.

Copy the Webhook URL from PlusThis.
Add an action in your Hubspot workflow where you would like the PlusThis tool to trigger.
Choose the Webhook Trigger at the bottom of the action list on the right hand side.
Paste the Webhook in the webhook URL area, and click ‘Save’.

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