Contact Locator


Using information gathered via IP Geolocation to update a contact record’s City, State, Postal Code and Country. You can also store a contact’s Timezone, IP Address, Latitude and Longitude.


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Contact Locator Configuration Options

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In this section, you will find the options for building your Contact Locator tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


Save the IP address:

If you would like to store the IP address, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.

Save the Timezone:

If you would like to store the timezone, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.  

If you would also like the timezone stored on the subscriber record, switch the toggle over to "yes" 

Save the Country:

If you would like to store the country, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.

Save the State/Region:

If you would like to store the state/region, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.

Save the City:

If you would like to store the city, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.

Save the Postal Code:

If you would like to store the postal code, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.

Save the Latitude:

If you would like to store the latitude, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.
In order to preserve accuracy latitude/longitude values will be stored in text fields.

Save the Longitude:

If you would like to store the longitude, select what field on the person you’d like to populate.
In order to preserve accuracy latitude/longitude values will be stored in text fields.

Additional Options and Save


Apply a tag after the contact's location is determined?

Select which tag you would like applied after the location has been determined.

Overwrite existing values

By default, this toggle is set to "off", however, if you would like to update fields that already have a value with the newly found value.  

Disable contact id verification

By default, this toggle is set to "Off", however, if you would like to disable the contact id verification (which would allow you to use the locator on platforms that don't expose contact id), you can switch the toggle over to "On".

Keep in mind that disabling the Contact Id Verification is less secure and less accurate than having it enabled. This is due to the fact that we will only be looking up contacts by email, rather than the email and id combo - and if there are multiple contacts that exist in app with the same email address, we will pick the oldest (ie. first created) contact with that email address. 

Get the IP address from a field on a contact record?

By default, this toggle is set to "Yes". As such, it provides you a PlusThis Action for use in your Workflow which allows you to determine the location base on an IP address stored on a field on the person record.  

If you do not want this functionality enabled, simply switch this toggle over to "No" If you leave this option enabled, you will want to select which field on the person that the IP address is stored in.  

Tool Name

Enter a name for your tool in this field. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

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"Need to Know" Items for Contact Locator

Data gathered via IP Geolocation is not 100% accurate. The data tends to be most accurate at the Country and State level.

Keep in mind that disabling the Contact Id Verification is less secure and less accurate than having it enabled. This is due to the fact that we will only be looking up contacts by email, rather than the email and id combination - and if there are multiple people that exist in you Drip app with the same email address, we will pick the oldest (ie. First created) person with that email address.  

FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types

My Website

Locate your contact when they arrive on a page.

On the Usage and Instructions page, copy the code under the ‘My Website’ tab.
Embed the code in an HTML element on your page. Best practice is to embed it higher on your page so it loads first.
Be sure to pass contact details to the page the Contact Locator is embedded on. You can do this using the link generator, or by passing details through an Drip webform submission.

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Locate your contact from an IP Address that has been stored on the contact's record.

In the tool configuration, enable the ‘Get the IP address from a field on a contact record?’ option in the Additional Options area.
This Tool should be triggered by an ‘Action’ from Drip. This can be done using the Automation Builder's ‘Action’ option.
Decide where in your campaign you want to trigger this Tool. It can be part of virtually any Automation.
In the Campaign Sequence, place an ‘Action’ where you want to run the Tool.
Choose PlusThis from the left drop down.
Keep the right drop down as ‘Send person’.
Choose the tool you would like to run in the ‘Which Feature’ drop down.
Change the ‘Which action?’ drop down to ‘Run’.

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