Action Links


Action Links allows you to create a button that triggers an action goal when it is clicked


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Action Links Configuration Options

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Tool Configuration

In this section, you will find the options for building your Action Link tool. Follow along in your PlusThis app, or by viewing the numbered step in the screenshots.


What URL do you want the subscriber to be sent to?

Enter the URL you would like subscribers to be sent to when then click on the Action Link button. 

What fallback URL would you like to use if subscriber details are not found?

Put the URL that you would like people to be sent to if they click the link and there are no contact details found (if we don’t know who the person is).

Which list would you like to add the subscribers to?

Select which tag you’d like applied to the subscriber when they click the link.  

If you do not have a list created already, you can create a list by clicking on the plus (+) symbol on the right-hand side of the list selector.  

Name and Save Action Link

Below you will find instructions for naming and saving the tool. 


Tool Name

Enter a name for your Action Link in this section. The name is solely for use inside of PlusThis, and will not be visible to customers. 

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FAQs / Tips

Implementation Types

My Website

Embed the PlusThis button on your website that will tag a contact when it is clicked.

Select the button size, style, and button text you would like above the embed code.
Once the button looks how you would like, copy the embed code.
Embed the code on your website where you would like the Action Link button to display.
Be sure to pass contact details to the page the Action Link is embedded on. You can do this using the link generator, or by passing details through a HubSpot web form submission.
OPTIONAL: If you would like to use this with your own custom button, click the slider at the top right of the My Website block. Add the link below where you embed the PlusThis code.

click image to enlarge

HubSpot Page

Embed the PlusThis button on your HubSpot Page that will add a contact to a list when it is clicked.

Select the button size, style, and button text you would like above the embed code.
Once the button looks how you’d like, copy the embed code.
Embed the code on your Hubspot page where you’d like the action link to display.
Upon a Hubspot webform submission, Hubspot will pass the contact details we need by default.
OPTIONAL: If you would like to use this with your own custom button, click the slider at the top right of the My Website block. Add the link below where you embed the PlusThis code.

click image to enlarge


Add the PlusThis Action Link in your SMS tools that will add a contact to a list when it is clicked.

Copy the Tool URL from the bottom of the page.
Open the SMS tool that you would like to add the link to.
Paste the link in the body of the message that you would like to send. Do not add this link to the MMS area.

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