EverWebinar and PlusThis allows for you to register your contacts for webinars and pull back a list of attendees and non-attendees.
How To Sign Up For EverWebinar Connection
Make sure you have already signed for a EverWebinar account before trying to connect PlusThis. If you haven't, you can click here to get started. Note that GoToWebinar and GoToMeeting are different subscriptions.
click image to enlarge
How To Integrate EverWebinar Connection With PlusThis
Before you're prompted to connect your account, make sure you create a new Webinar.
From your "My Webinars" page, click the cog icon (Advanced Settings") next to one of your webinars.
Select API custom integrations to reveal your API Key.
Paste your API Key into PlusThis,
PlusThis Tools That Use EverWebinar Connection
EverWebinar Connection
Register contacts for upcoming EverWebinar events. Examples: I want my Everwebinar guests, register...